Responsive Caregiving with UNICEF

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Responsive Caregiving

This program empowers frontline workers in Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) under the Ministry of Women and Child Development and under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, to raise awareness and build the capacity of parents and caregivers on providing nurturing care, positive parenting, and early stimulation.

Grammangal & UNICEF have come together to execute a pilot in Pune and Palghar regions to ensure sustainable development through a “pilots to policy to results-at-scale” model. The model involves partnering with the government in select regions to demonstrate integrate/strengthen stimulation and learning into the existing program interventions under Nutrition, Education and Health to promote improved coordination and convergence for holistic ECD.

Beneficiaries of the Pilot Program
Pune Palghar
ICDS Supervisors2410
Anganwadi Sevikas783262

The aim of the proposed integrated ECD intervention-covering children of 0-6 years is designed keeping scale in mind. The results of the intervention will be to show proof of concept and gather evidence to advocate for the Government to replicate the interventions with its own resources and with quality standards, systems strengthening and equitable outcomes.
